Inductive displacement sensors using the principle of the differential transformer (LVDT) can be used to measure displacement and, indirectly, magnitudes that can be converted into displacements such as force, pressure, strain, torque, vibration and so forth.
Thanks to the high quality of their measurements, their high protection and long service life, these sensors are used in many technologies (industry, research, development, etc.).
Applications include measuring, controlling, regulating and monitoring both slow and fast movements between machine parts, measurements of position and positional changes of components and structural foundations, servo regulators, valve and robot controllers, growth measurements and so on.
Their design is robust - the internal coils and electronics are potted - as a result of which the sensors can easily withstand shock and vibration. This makes the sensors also suitable for mobile applications (e.g. in vehicles) and for test installations where they will be subject to many test cycles.